My Daughter's Only Wish
My Daughter's Only Wish
65 minutes
My Daughter's Only Wish tells the story of a poorly paid and clumsy office clerk, played with much comedic talent by Atsushi Watanabe. His biggest problem: His daughter Hideko is too clever and is expected by her teachers to enter the school for higher girls after graduating from primary school. But how is our poor clerk supposed to pay the school fees? How does poor Hideko feel about the situation? How can they cope with the envious colleagues who have less brighter daughters? And - an important question for Hideko's mother - what will the neighbours think? What's the point about getting a good education for girls anyway?
Stars Hideko Takamine, Nijiko Kiyokawa, Saburō Sawai, Gang-Bôya, Tamae Kawabata
Directors Goro Soganoya, Torajirō Saitō, Hideo Oguni, Seiichi Suzuki
My Daughter's Only Wish