Bhai Bahen
Bhai Bahen
151 minutes
Raja Saheb (Ashok Kumar) is a rich man, strict father to sons Virendra (Sunil Dutt) and Mahendra. One day, Mahendra has a big fight with his father and dies of shock afterwards. Virendra leaves home and falls in bad company with Pran. Later, Virendra falls in love with a poor girl (Nutan), eventually deciding to marry her. At home, a lonely Raja Saheb falls ill. When Virendra tells his father about his love, his father reveals his own past: He was in love with a poor girl, who died leaving a daughter (Padmini) behind, who dances on the roads to earn a living. Virendra decides to bring his sister home.
Genres Drama, Family
Stars Ashok Kumar, Sunil Dutt, Nutan, Padmini, Pran Sikand
Directors Inder Raj Anand, Manna Dey, Jaikishan Dayabhai Panchal, Kishore Kumar, B.S. Ranga
Bhai Bahen