Twenty Thousand Dollars for Every Corpse
Twenty Thousand Dollars for Every Corpse
81 minutes
Dale and Helen Brais are a marriage of farmers who subsist on what little they manage to get from their land. One stormy night, a stranger enters their home to rob and Dale kills him incidentally. The intruder is Red Burket, head of a band that is dedicated to sabotage the new railway line and there is a bounty on his head of $20,000. What seems the solution to the problems of the couple becomes the beginning of a nightmare.
Genres Western
Stars Miguel de la Riva, Dyanik Zurakowska, José Truchado, Guillermo Méndez, Fernando Sánchez Polack
Directors José María Zabalza, José Luis García Arrojo, Ana Satrova, Abelardo Rodríguez, Sebastián Herranz
Twenty Thousand Dollars for Every Corpse