Naked Fist Omega
Naked Fist Omega
46 minutes
One day, Mio (Yume Nikaido) learns that her older sister, Tetsuko (Moe Tenshi), has been using the "Hadaka-ken" technique to protect the family home all by herself. After witnessing Tetsuko's failure to use the "Hadaka-ken" against a powerful opponent, Mio decides to learn the "Hadaka-ken" herself and fight. Will Mio be able to avenge Tetsuko's death?
Genres Drama
Stars Nikaidou Yume, Moe Amatsuka, Mamoru Nabeoka, Shinzo Hotta, Masato Yoshizawa
Directors Yasushi Koshizaka, Hayate Masao, Whopper, Fabian
Naked Fist Omega