The Precipice
The Precipice
90 minutes
Based on the novel of the same name by Ivan Goncharov. Raisky falls in love with his second cousin Vera, but she coldly rejects his advances. He soon learns that Vera is having an affair with exiled official Mark Volokhov, with whom She is secretly dating. One day, Vera, in a fit of passion, gives herself to Volokhov, which she immediately regrets doing. Raisky and Tatyana Markovna suffer along with her having learned about Vera’s situation. Volokhov invites Vera to marry him but she refuses his proposal. After all these passions, calm comes and in the final frames of the picture, Raisky draws a portrait of Vera, and then sits down to write a long-planned novel.
Stars Yuliya Vasileva, Ivan Mosjoukine, Vera Yureneva, Sofya Goslavskaya, Viktor Tourjansky
Directors Pyotr Chardynin, Ivan Goncharov, Mariya Kallash-Harris
The Precipice