91 minutes
In 1994, Mexican presidential candidate Colosio garnered attention for his democratic ideology and anti-corruption stance until he was shot through the head in Tijuana. The wondrous ColOZio, which is partly based on true events, starts three days prior with a prophecy to tripping friends Diego and Gael: save Colosio from death. The duo's dancing in a kaleidoscopic animated, almost 10-minute-long title sequence subsequently sets the tone for a playful, delightfully over-the-top road movie. Expect mythical apparitions, cartoony chases and plenty of drink and drugs.
Genres Comedy
Stars Diego Calva, Orlando Moguel, Hector Kotsifakis, Flor Eduarda Gurrola, Ignacio Perales
Directors Artemio Narro, Carlos Narro, Ixel Rion, Matías Barberis, Rubén Gutiérrez