Jugyo Sankan no Onna
Jugyo Sankan no Onna
92 minutes
One spring, Tasaka, an elementary school teacher, receives a new class of first graders. While taking the children's attendance, Tasaka is surprised to see a call girl he once had an encounter with standing among the parents in the back of the classroom. According to the school's files, her name is Yukako Sawada, and her child Eisaku has no legal father. The next day, Eisaku gives Tasaka a letter from Yukako asking to meet at the hotel where they first met, and Tasaka sets out with an uneasy feeling...
Genres Drama
Stars Ken Ogata, Hisako Manda, Nenji Kobayashi, Tsutomu Isobe, Jun Funato
Directors Koichi Sakata, Yoshiharu Aihara, Hiroshi Takahashi, Masuhiro Hirokami, Hiroshi Yamashita
Jugyo Sankan no Onna