114 minutes
Vera and Zak meet by chance and it's crazy love. The two lovebirds settle in a decayed house at the end of a row, where little Yanna comes into the world. They raise their child in a spirit of total freedom, without constraint. Zak often leaves his family to find his family, gypsies who do not like him to meet a woman from the city. When Vera's parents arrive unexpectedly at home, they will jeopardize the already fragile balance of the trio.
Genres Drama
Stars Dusan Dukic, Melissa Toussaint, Lilou Roy-Lanouette, Jérémie Earp, Victor Andres Trelles Turgeon
Directors Mariloup Wolfe, Annie Blais, Claude Veillet, Marie-Christine Lê Huu, Lucie Veillet