Press Start 2 Continue
Press Start 2 Continue
81 minutes
In this sequel to the acclaimed videogame comedy PRESS START, the world's most inexplicably accomplished evil sorcerer, Count Vile, has returned from Hades for a new bid at global domination. With original champions Zack and Sam already in his clutches, it's up to their estranged, ultraviolent comrade Lin-Ku and the bubbly, positive-thinking Princess Xanna to save them – and the world – from disaster. PRESS START 2 CONTINUE also adds fan favorite characters from the "Press Start Adventures" animated web series including the sardonic vampire lord Vlad (David S. Humphrey, Sonic Adventure 2 & Jack Keane), sinister succubus Morgan Le Slay, and white-haired assassin Scarthcaroth. Web personalities Noah Antwiler, Stuart Ashen, Lindsey "Z" Briggs, and X-Strike Studios' Tim Ekkebus & Rory O’Boyle also join the cast.
Genres Comedy
Stars Joshua Stafford, Al Morrison, Peter A. Davis, Jenny Nelson, Jennifer Zahn
Directors Joshua Stafford, Kevin Folliard, Matthew Ritter, Ed Glaser, Jake Kaufman
Press Start 2 Continue