110 minutes
For the sommeliers, coffee has three flavors: bitter, sour and a bit of fragrant towards the end. Through the common element of this so evocative product, this movie tells three stories set in three very different parts of the world. In Belgium, during some riots, a precious coffeepot gets stolen from Hamed's shop. He'll decide, once discovers the identity of the thief, to take vengeance alone. In Italy, Renzo, a young Latte Art expert, is involved in a robbery in a coffee shop, but things don't go as planned. In China, Ren Fei, a brilliant manager, finds out that his factory risks destroying a valley in the Yunnan, the beautiful region on the border with Laos.
Genres Drama
Stars Dario Aita, Miriam Dalmazio, Ennio Fantastichini, Lu Fangsheng, Tan Zhuo
Directors Vladan Radović, Claudio Di Mauro, Anna Maes, Cristiano Bortone, Matthew Thompson