Sunny Gets Blue
Sunny Gets Blue
70 minutes
Rubber Jack, a Big Apple-based Japanese thief in debt to mobsters, robs a convenience store and winds up with money from a major bank heist. With the help of bartender Cash, a mercenary buddy who first betrays him and then saves his neck, he tracks the source of the bills to Key West, Florida, and the two head south in search of a mysterious woman named Sunny. Meanwhile the mob has caught the whiff of a $2 million payday and is hot on their trail.
Genres Crime, Drama, Action
Stars Natsumi Nanase, Keishi Hunt, Takashi Matsuyama, Mie Yoshida, Hitomi Okazaki
Directors Toshimichi Ohkawa, Toshimichi Ohkawa, Yutaka Morita
Sunny Gets Blue