Write & Wrong
Write & Wrong
88 minutes
Quickly approaching her fiftieth birthday, talented and once-famous screenwriter Byrdie has lately had a hard time finding work in the movie biz. As she's aged, the industry hasn't, and the new regime isn't interested in what a maturing wordsmith has to say. In desperation, Byrdie dreams up a script-selling scheme, enlisting her attractive nephew Jason, a car salesman, to pitch her work as his own. The ruse is a wild success: All the key players eat up his charm, and her scripts soon become the hottest thing in town!
Genres Drama, Comedy, TV Movie
Stars Kirstie Alley, Eric Christian Olsen, Stacy Grant, Britt Irvin
Directors Graeme Clifford, Michael S. Bolton, Richard Fischoff, Michael Jaffe, David Schwartz
Write & Wrong