Kill Stalin
Kill Stalin
0 minutes
This TV Mini-Series is directed by Sergey Ginzburg, known for "Once Upon a Time in Odessa". "Ubit Stalina" takes time in 1941, when Germans sent troops to invade Russia. Winter was very cold and soldiers couldn't stay on the front for a long time, so Germans decided to strike a crushing blow and cunning - to kill Ioseb Stalin. Leadership of the Reich created special group of officers from the team "Abwehr" "Brandenburg-800". This team helped Nazi agent to deeply embed in USSR army - Will generals of USSR army find out agent? Will they save Russia from invasion of Nazi?..
Genres Action, Mystery
Stars Alexandr Domogarov, Ekaterina Vilkova, Mikhail Porechenkov, Pavel Trubiner, Adam Bulguchev
Directors Vasily Sikachinsky, Vladyslav Riashyn, Denis Konstantinov, Igor Ter-Karapetov, Andrey Anokhin
Kill Stalin