Insane Lori
Insane Lori
127 minutes
Thomasina is the beloved pet cat of 7-year-old Mary, whose strict father is the town's vet. When Thomasina falls ill, her father sees no other option but to put the cat down. Heartbroken by his cruelty, Mary stops speaking to her father and falls dangerously ill herself. Meanwhile, Thomasina is rescued by Lori, a young woman who lives alone in an isolated glen and is rumored to be a witch with healing powers...
Genres Family, Drama
Stars Juozas Budraitis, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Yuri Katin-Yartsev, Zinaida Oborneva, Olga Zarubina
Directors Leonid Nechayev, Paul Gallico, Vladimir Zheleznikov, Leonid Nechayev, Viktor Lebedev
Insane Lori