A Journey Around My Skull
A Journey Around My Skull
77 minutes
The film is a story of a double journey. The main character of the first journey is the author himself, who, while sitting in his customary café, suddenly realises that he has hallucinations. The psychologist reassures him that all this is merely repression. The symptoms, however, appear again. Soon it turns out that the author has a brain tumour. Professor Pötzl in Vienna suggests operation right away. The intervention, through which he is awake, is carried out in a Stockholm clinic.
Genres Drama
Stars Zoltán Latinovits, Éva Ruttkai, Mari Törőcsik, Samu Balázs, Imre Sinkovits
Directors György Révész, György Révész, József Romvári, Judit Vidéki, Zoltánné Kerényi
A Journey Around My Skull