The Adventures of Filfila
The Adventures of Filfila
65 minutes
The movie presented the tale of Filfil and Filfila, a young couple who are in love and wish to get married --- but Filfila's parents intend to marry their daughter to a wealthy man rather than let her become hitched to down-on-his-luck Filfil. At this point, Filfil enlists the services of a witch, Umm ul-Hiba, who transforms Filfila into a chimpanzee, while supplying Filfil with an antidote to her magic, which will return Filfila to her normal self. Although this initially proves successful, the witch is soon afterwards found dead --- and with her death, Filfila turns back into a chimp! The rest of the movie consists of Filfil and Filfila's quest to restore her human form, comprising visits to conjurers, soothsayers, alchemists, and others.
Genres Romance, Horror, Fantasy
Stars Melvina Amine, Said Elmaghrabi, Ursula Franke, Shafiq Hassan, Ibrahim Khan
Directors Frank Agrama
The Adventures of Filfila