The Barefooted Young
The Barefooted Young
116 minutes
Jo Doo-soo, a member of a gang, comes across and helps Joanna, a college student who is about to have her handbag robbed by the bullies on her way home. Joanna is a diplomat's daughter and living the life of the upper class; whereas, Jo Doo-soo wastes his days serving the gang. Attracted to one another because of their opposite lives, Doo-soo and Joanna quickly fall in love. Being a devout Christian, Joanna believes that if only Doo-soo changed his thoughts about the way he lives, he could be a new person...
Genres Crime, Drama, Romance
Stars Shin Seong-il, Um Aing-ran, Lee Yea-chun, Yoon Il-bong, Lee Min-ja
Directors Kim Kee-duk, In-jib Byeon, Cha Tae-jin, Lee Bong-ja, No In-taek
The Barefooted Young