To the Stars by Hard Ways
To the Stars by Hard Ways
148 minutes
In the 23rd century, a reconnaissance craft discovers an unknown destroyed spaceship in deep recesses of space. The crew discovers the sole survivor - the mysterious Niya, an artificial being who appears to be the last of her kind, who possesses unique and unimaginable powers. Taken in by a family of scientists to unlock her memories and harness her abilities, a journey to discover Niya’s origins begins - taking us through the stars from Earth, to a dying planet light years away in need of help…
Genres Science Fiction
Stars Yelena Metyolkina, Vadim Ledogorov, Uldis Lieldidzs, Yelena Fadeyeva, Vatslav Dvorzhetsky
Directors Lyudmila Chekulayeva, Richard Viktorov, Konstantin Zagorsky, V. Litvinov, E. Leontev
To the Stars by Hard Ways