It Was You Charlie
It Was You Charlie
77 minutes
A once accomplished sculptor, a former college art teacher, but now a lonely graveyard shift doorman, Abner Roth is sadly a mere shadow of his former self. Having lost the love of his life and haunted by the death of a woman in a terrible car accident a year ago, he is desolate and suicidal but amusingly so. Step in Zoe, a free spirited taxi driver with a large hart and persuasive disposition. Zoe's energy and outlook help Abner look at life anew and try to reconcile his conflicted past.
Genres Comedy, Drama
Stars Michael D. Cohen, Emma Fleury Harvey, Aaron Abrams, Alon Nashman, Anna Hopkins
Directors Emmanuel Shirinian, Emmanuel Shirinian, Darren Portelli, David Miller, Ryan Latham
It Was You Charlie