The Life of Sean DeLear
The Life of Sean DeLear
82 minutes
The Life of Sean DeLear is a vibrantly multi-faceted, buoyantly propulsive documentary portrait of this irresistibly charismatic one-off — sketched in celebratory but commendably clear-eyed style by writer-director Markus Zizenbacher. There can be very few people better qualified to do justice to this particular tale. Zizenbacher befriended DeLear — born Anthony Robertson in Simi Valley, an obscure California backwater — after the latter relocated to Vienna in the early 2010s.
Genres Documentary
Stars Sean DeLear, Ann Magnuson, Scott Ewalt, Steve McDonald, Jeppe Beck Laursen
Directors Markus Zizenbacher, Aleksey Lapin, Mike Watt, Markus Zizenbacher, Sean DeLear
The Life of Sean DeLear