The Awakening
The Awakening
100 minutes
Paul Thomas has created a modern masterpiece with The Awakening, inspired by the true story of a 1970s adult film star who turned to new age religion to calm her sexual discontent before eventually committing suicide. Emotionally stunning, this psychological story of sexual healing ranks with Thomas` best work, like The Masseuse, Bad Wives, Justine and Bobby Sox. Inari Vachs delivers a stunning performance as the sexually confused starlet, as does Kobe Tai as her ex-junkie singer friend. Both deserve pre-noms for Best Actress. Equally good is Bobby Vitale, with a career-best performance as the link between the two girls that easily earns him a Best Actor pre-nom, as well.
Genres Drama, Romance
Stars Kobe Tai, Inari Vachs, Ava Steele, Dasha, Taylor St. Claire
Directors Paul Thomas, David Stanley, Jack Remy, Tommy Ganz
The Awakening