Two Little Girls And A War
Two Little Girls And A War
13 minutes
In an unspecified war-torn European country, two young girls, aged about 8 and 4, struggle to survive, the older girl having to find food and shelter. When a truckload of soldiers, having gang-raped a discarded naked woman, spots them in a house, the girls are forced up into the attic, but there appears to be no escape. Then the older girl tears their clothing, smears red muck over them, and orders the 4-year-old to lie still. This has the desired effect of convincing the men the girls had been raped and murdered, and they leave.
Genres Drama
Stars Borghildur Indriðadóttir, Liina Magnea Matila, Marie-Luise Gutteck, Johannes Hupka, Ilkka Matila
Directors Ilkka Matila, Guðni Franzson, Michael Doering, Maria Solrun, Maria Solrun
Two Little Girls And A War