Goku Oh 2
Goku Oh 2
69 minutes
Seven years have passed - Takeru Kanzaki (Kazumi Matsuda), the Wakamiya clan's Wakamiya head of the Gijinkai, is released from prison. He is reunited with Shinji Wakamiya (Kazuyoshi Ozawa), his parent in the world, for the first time in a long time. Kawaji was also present, and the Gijinkai was re-launched as the Sakata clan, with the aim of spreading Sakata's territory throughout Japan.
Stars Hitomi Matsuda, Kazuyoshi Ozawa, Kozo Takeda, Masaki Nishimori, Daisuke Nagakura
Directors Yūji Minato, Keiichiro Murata
Goku Oh 2