Mohamed Amin
Mohamed Amin
Mohamed Ameen director and script writer presented a movie in the year 2000 called “Film Thakafi” starring all new cast at that time like Ahmed Rezk, Ahmed Eid and Fathi Abdel Wahab. The movie was such a success amongst audience and critics. Later on he wrote the script for “Gaana Al Bayan Al Tali” and “Africano”. 5 years later in the year 2005 Mohamed Ameen surfaced as a script writer and director in the movie “The Night Baghdad Fell”starring Ahmed Eid and Hassan Hosni. 5 years later in 2010 Ameen came back again to present the movie “2 Girls from Egypt” starring Zeina and Saba Mubarak.
Known For Directing
Most Rating 3.752
Place of Birth Egypt
Also Known As محمد أمين, Mohamed Amin,