Ravens, Buttercups and Myrrh
Ravens, Buttercups and Myrrh
90 minutes
After Lára, 13, loses both her father and brother in an accident, she discovers that her father used to be a member of a theatre group at a local theatre. In order to keep his memory alive, she joins the company. The company consists of eccentric and playful elders who introduce Lára to the magic of theatre and the importance of play. While Lára struggles to piece together the fractured life she now shares with her mother, she decides to help the company in their attempt to save the theatre with a big hit play. But evil and corrupt forces want it gone forever.
Genres Family
Stars Freyja Sif Arnarsdóttir, Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir, Sigríður Björk Baldursdóttir, Edda Björgvinsdóttir, Pétur Einarsson
Directors Helgi Sverrisson, Ástþór Ernir Hrafnsson, Telma Huld Þrastardóttir, Rut Másdóttir, Ísak Jónsson
Ravens, Buttercups and Myrrh