Pretty Devil Yoko
Pretty Devil Yoko
85 minutes
Easily bored, but still innocent and naive countryside girl (Mako Midori) discovers partying in Tokyo is a ton of fun. Yakuza-to-be (Ichiro Araki) is an acquaintance who tries to rape her, and the typically bland but very-good-here (Hayato Tani) the first boyfriend. Director Yasuo Furuhata (his first picture) lets his camera roll in trendy clubs amongst partying youngsters in a way that could've been out of 60s England or a Nikkatsu film.
Genres Drama, Crime
Stars Mako Midori, Hayato Tani, Ichiro Araki, Renji Ishibashi, Eiji Okada
Directors Fumio Kōnami, Masao Yagi, Hisashi Kase, Fumio Soda, Yasuo Furuhata
Pretty Devil Yoko