A Boulevard Romance
A Boulevard Romance
101 minutes
The film was shot on the story of Valentin Pikul “Go and do not sin”, which tells about the real events that took place in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The story of the young beauty Olga Palem from a poor large family is replete with tragic events. Olga's passionate disinterested love for student Alexander Zapolsky becomes her evil rock. Spoiled and selfish, Alexander is not able to appreciate her feelings. Exhausted by humiliation, a young woman kills her lover. The high-profile trial of Olga Pale becomes a sensation that stirred up the whole of Russia ...
Genres Romance
Stars Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Anna Samokhina, Valeriy Smetskoy, Nina Ruslanova, Vladimir Samoylov
Directors Vasiliy Panin, Mikhail Koroptsov, Evgenia Golovnya, Valentin Pikul, Eugen Doga
A Boulevard Romance