Mountain Strawberries
Mountain Strawberries
97 minutes
Bun-nyeo, a girl in a mountain village loses her virginity to Myong-jun, the village vagabond. After both of her suitors die before they can wed Bun-nyeo, she moves to the city to work in a factory. Myong-jun persuades her to return to the village, but he is arrested for murder. As the film ends, Bun-nyeo is waiting for Myong-jun's release.
Genres Drama
Stars Ahn So-young, Nam Koong-won, Lim Dong-jin, Kim In-mun, Jin Yoo-young
Directors Seo Byeong-jik, Jeon Jo-Myeong, Kim Su-hyeong, Ree Kyoung-ja
Mountain Strawberries