Ape Suzette
Ape Suzette
6 minutes
Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux's investigation into a stolen cargo of bananas takes them to a run-down waterfront apartment building, where they follow a trail of banana peels to the abode of a diminutive Cockney sailor and his impish ape. Clouseau doesn't see the ape, and when he is repeatedly punched through the floor by the ape, Clouseau thinks the stocky sailor has been the one hitting him. When he sees Deux-Deux easily subdue the sailor, Clouseau believes that Deux-Deux is a muscular power-house and declares the Sergeant his hero.
Genres Animation
Stars Pat Harrington, Jr., Paul Frees
Directors John W. Dunn, Gerry Chiniquy
Ape Suzette