21 Nights with Pattie
21 Nights with Pattie
110 minutes
During the height of summer, Caroline, a forty-year-old Parisian and mother, arrives in a small village in the south of France. She must hastily organize the funeral of her mother, a flighty lawyer, whom she barely used to see. Caroline is welcomed by Pattie, who likes to talk about her love affairs with the local men to anyone who'll listen. Then, while the whole valley gets ready for the traditional mid-summer dance, Caroline's mother's corpse mysteriously disappears...
Genres Comedy
Stars Isabelle Carré, Karin Viard, André Dussollier, Sergi López, Denis Lavant
Directors Arnaud Larrieu, Jean-Marie Larrieu, Stéphane Levy, Bruno Pésery, Yannick Ressigeac
21 Nights with Pattie