Bella Dilemma
Bella Dilemma
90 minutes
Bella is in a dilemma: She lives with her ex Martin and her new boyfriend Sebastian in a shared flat. Neither does she dare to pour Martin pure wine, nor to quit. Just when Bella has come to an end to the secrecy, a bad news arrives by phone: Two very good, mutual friends of Bella and Martin have been fatally injured. They leave Tom, a two-year-old boy. Bella does not hesitate: Martin and her will take care of the boy. But how should that work in the WG? And what about Bella's relationship with Sebastian?
Genres TV Movie, Comedy
Stars Andrea Sawatzki, Thomas Sarbacher, Juliane Köhler, Matthias Brenner, Ulrike C. Tscharre
Directors Oliver Schmitz
Bella Dilemma