Masumi Itou
Masumi Itou
Masumi Itou (伊藤 真澄, Itō Masumi) is a Japanese singer, songwriter and composer. Itou has composed the soundtracks to many anime television shows, and is part of the bands Oranges & Lemons and Heart of Air. She graduated from Musashino College of Music.
Known For Sound
Most Rating 0.893
Place of Birth Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan
Also Known As Hikaru Nanase, 伊藤 真澄 , 七瀬 光 , Nanase Hikaru, Masumi Itô, Itō Masumi, Ito Masumi, Itô Masumi, Masumi Itō, Masumi Nitta, Masumi Itou, TO-MAS SOUNDSIGHT FLUORESCENT FOREST, Heart of Air,